House Flipping: Tips from the Experts

House Flipping

We were recently featured in an article by Porch that we would like to share:

By Teresa Siqueira

House flipping is a real estate investment strategy that has caught the attention of entrepreneurs and real estate enthusiasts. To succeed in house flipping, investors must find properties with hidden potential that they can transform through smart and strategic renovations. This process requires a sharp eye for identifying opportunities, understanding the local real estate market, and a solid financial strategy.

Risks in House Flipping

Understanding and managing the risks can help you achieve success and profitability in house flipping.

  • Detailed pre-purchase analysis: Do a property evaluation before purchase. This analysis inspects the structure and critical systems like plumbing and electricity. Identifying potential problems can prevent costly surprises during the renovation.
  • Realistic planning and budgeting: Establish a realistic and comprehensive budget to help you control the whole project better. 
  • Knowledge of the local market: This involves understanding current market trends, buyer preferences, and selling prices of similar properties. A deep understanding of the local market will help you make informed decisions about which renovations to undertake and how to set the selling price.
  • Careful selection of renovations: Choose improvements that maximize the property’s value without exceeding the budget. Renovations should be both aesthetically appealing and functional. It’s a good idea to focus on areas with the most impact on resale value, such as the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Contractor management: Select carefully reliable and qualified contractors for peace of mind during house flipping projects. Quality professionals will ensure the durability of the renovations while avoiding delays and additional costs. 
  • Preparation for risks and setbacks: House flipping projects can face setbacks even with careful planning. It is important to be prepared for these risks, whether through adequate financial reserves or flexibility in the project strategy.
  • Clearly defined exit strategy: This strategy involves knowing when and how to sell the property, including considering different market scenarios and being willing to adjust the selling price if necessary to close a deal.

Strategic protection for high-profit flips

Buying and renovating homes represents a significant investment. An extra protection to your house flipping investment can be a home warranty. Home warranties work as a safeguard to protect your financial resources and attract potential buyers. These warranties act as a bridge between the investment and the trust generated by investors and potential buyers. For investors, roof, electrical systems, or plumbing warranties represent an additional layer of financial security. These warranties protect the budget, especially when the risks of breakdowns are higher. Home warranties may have a waiting period, so take that into account when planning your project. 

Offering a property with a home warranty can set it apart from other house flipping options. For buyers, the certainty that critical elements of the property, such as new appliances or heating and cooling systems, come with warranties increases their confidence in the investment. This simplifies their buying decision and can positively influence the property’s perceived value, potentially justifying a higher selling price.

What the Experts Say

We put together the advice and insights of some experts to help you understand the process, protect and make the most out of your house flipping projects. 

What are the hidden costs when selling a flipped home?

“Flipping a house? It’s not just about the renovation journey; hidden costs can catch you off guard. Carrying costs are the silent creepers of the flipping world. Every day your property is under renovation, costs like loan interest and utilities add up. And beware of the capital gains tax. Sell your property too soon, and you might be hit with a tax bill that eats into your profits. Then there are closing costs – commissions and transfer taxes, they all chip away at your returns. Unexpected repairs can also pop up, adding unplanned expenses. Finally, don’t forget to market the finished product. Staging, high-quality photos, and 3D tours/Videos are essential but come at a cost. Remember, flipping is a bit like an iceberg – what you see on the surface is just a small part of the whole picture.”

Jason Fox from The Madrona Group 

How can I leverage my market knowledge to identify and renovate properties with high resale potential?

“People ask me all the time what is the first thing they should learn when flipping houses. I tell them they need to learn their market. The ARV, or after-repaired value, is the most important figure to know. It takes time and work to learn markets and what houses are worth. You can use agents to help, but even they don’t always understand ARV and how important it is. Once you know the ARV on properties, you can work backward with the soft and hard costs to see what your purchase price should be. If you don’t know the ARV or blindly trust someone else’s ARV, you are asking for major problems.”

Mark Ferguson from InvestFourMore

How can I effectively plan and budget for the typical expenses associated with fixing and flipping a house?

“Effectively planning and budgeting for a house flipping project requires meticulous attention to detail and a realistic assessment of potential costs. Begin by thoroughly evaluating the property and identifying necessary repairs and upgrades. Create a comprehensive list of expenses, including materials, labor, permits, and any unexpected contingencies.

Research local market trends to understand the potential resale value of the renovated property. Develop a detailed timeline for the project, taking into account seasonal factors and potential delays. Prioritize tasks based on their impact on the property’s value and marketability.

Create a budget with a buffer for unforeseen expenses, typically ranging from 10% to 20% of the total project cost. Obtain multiple quotes from contractors and suppliers to ensure competitive pricing. Negotiate favorable terms whenever possible, but prioritize quality to avoid future issues.

Regularly monitor and adjust the budget as the project progresses, staying flexible to address unexpected challenges. Maintain open communication with your team and adapt to changes promptly. Consider hiring a professional project manager if you lack experience in construction management.

Ultimately, successful house flipping requires a thorough understanding of the local market, diligent planning, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances while staying within budget.”

Sohin Shah from InstaLend 

How can I select roofing that is not only aesthetically appealing but also adds significant value to my house-flipping projects?

“When choosing the type and style of roofing systems for flipping, you’ll want to get the most bang for your buck while staying fairly comparable to other homes in the neighborhood. Usually, this will amount to installing an architectural asphalt shingle. There are higher-end products, like stone-coated steel. However, products like that are going to cost significantly more without adding much more value than a nice asphalt shingle.

At Davis Roofing Solutions, the asphalt shingles we install are manufactured by Malarkey Roofing Products, and we install nothing less than class 3 impact-resistant shingles. So, these shingles will add a ton of value in relation to their initial install cost. They come with an insurance form that can reduce a homeowner’s insurance premium, and every roof we install also comes with transferable lifetime warranties on material AND labor. On top of adding value, these benefits are major selling points and will help the home seller faster and for a better price, all while adding very nice curb appeal to the property.”

Drew Davis from Davis Roofing Solutions 

What types of windows and doors should I choose to maximize value and attractiveness during a profitable renovation project?

“When embarking on a renovation project, selecting windows and doors plays a pivotal role in enhancing both property value and overall aesthetics. Opt for energy-efficient windows with high-performance features, such as double or triple-pane glass and low-emissivity coatings. These not only reduce energy costs but also elevate the property’s appeal by offering modern functionality.

As for doors, consider options that complement the architectural style of your home while offering durability and visual interest. Solid wood or fiberglass front and patio doors with simple glass inserts can significantly elevate curb appeal. Additionally, prioritize features like secure locks and weather-resistant materials to ensure both safety and long-term value. A harmonious balance including functionality, style, and durability will maximize the overall design and value of your renovation, offering a space that’s not only beautiful but also cost-conscious and energy efficient for years to come.”

Kerrie Kelly from Kerrie Kelly

How can I accurately assess the cost of a masonry project for my house flipping project?

“When you’re sizing up the cost for a masonry gig on a flip project, you’ll start by nailing down what exactly needs to be done. Are we talking about a touch-up, a full overhaul, or building something new from scratch? Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to estimate how much time the project is going to take; refer to the live local cost data from Contractor+ and 1build. Once you have your labor figured out, you’ll calculate the amount of materials you’ll need and their costs. Brick, stone, concrete – they all have different price tags.

Masonry is a skilled job, so costs can swing based on how complex the job is and how experienced your contractor is. Always grab a few quotes to keep things competitive. And make sure everything is accounted for, including equipment. Things like scaffolding, equipment rentals, or any permits you might need. They all add up. Throw in a safety net budget-wise; 10-15% is a good rule of thumb. Also, don’t just look for the cheapest bid. Going for the cheapest option could backfire. You want someone who knows their stuff because unexpected surprise expenses and shoddy work can kill a flip faster than anything.”

Justin Smith from Contractor Plus

How can I calculate and anticipate the average return on investment (ROI) I might expect from a house flipping project?

“At the most basic level, calculating ROI involves estimating the net return of your investment divided by the total cost. Because the housing market varies so much from neighborhood to neighborhood, it’s nearly impossible to calculate an overall average ROI you can expect from any housing project. To aim for the highest return possible, you’ll want to find houses with solid structures in up-and-coming areas that largely only need aesthetic upgrades.

If you have a house in mind, calculating the ROI begins with estimating the total cost of renovations, including the construction itself, the purchase price of the home, plus slightly more hidden costs like insurance, loan interest, property taxes, and more. You can then estimate the potential future listing price by researching homes in the area that are similar to what your goal for the house is. This market research is pivotal to making sure you’re not putting more into the home than you’re going to get out of it.

Once you estimate the total net return and estimated costs, you can follow the basic ROI formula to calculate your potential ROI, which is Net gain / Cost of investment x 100.”

Kalleigh Lane from moneyGenius

What advantages do virtual tours offer in the context of house flipping, and how can they be leveraged effectively to enhance the property’s marketability and overall success of the project?

“In the dynamic world of real estate, virtual tours have emerged as a game-changer for savvy house flippers looking to enhance marketability and overall project success. Gone are the days of relying solely on static images; virtual tours bring properties to life, offering potential buyers an immersive and engaging experience.

One of the key advantages of virtual tours in house flipping is the ability to showcase every nook and cranny of a property with unprecedented detail. Prospective buyers can explore each room, examine finishes, and visualize themselves in the space, fostering a deeper connection to the property.

Moreover, virtual tours break down geographical barriers, enabling a wider audience to explore the property remotely. This increased accessibility attracts a diverse range of potential buyers, ultimately accelerating the selling process.

House flippers can leverage virtual tours effectively by incorporating interactive elements, such as embedded information points or guided narratives, highlighting the property’s unique features and renovations. This not only engages viewers but also communicates the value and effort invested in the project. Virtual tours have become a secret weapon for house flippers, revolutionizing the way properties are presented and experienced. By embracing this technology, flippers can elevate their projects, attract a broader audience, and ultimately achieve greater success in the competitive real estate market.”

Jim Osgood from TrueView360s

How can I incorporate eco-friendly waste management practices into my house flipping process to minimize environmental impact?

“When it comes to minimizing environmental impact and incorporating eco-friendly waste management practices into your house flipping process, there are several steps you can take. Start by sorting your items into different categories, such as cardboard, metal, wood, trash, and construction materials during the demolition and remodeling phase. This simple step allows junk removal companies who want to recycle to sort the items for easy drop-off to various locations.

In addition to sorting, consider implementing the following practices to further reduce environmental impact:

  • Reuse and Recycle: Look for opportunities to reuse materials and recycle items like cardboard, metal, and wood through local recycling programs.
  • Minimize Waste: Aim to avoid unnecessary waste by measuring accurately, ordering materials in the right quantities, and using efficient cutting techniques to minimize scrap.
  • Choose Eco-friendly Materials: Opt for sustainable and environmentally friendly materials whenever possible, such as recycled or reclaimed materials, low VOC paints, and energy-efficient fixtures.
  • Composting: If you have organic waste from landscaping or kitchen remodeling, consider setting up a composting system to transform it into nutrient-rich soil.

By implementing these practices, you can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your house flipping process while promoting sustainability and responsible waste management.”

Junk Holler team from Junk Holler

How can virtual furniture enhance my ability to visualize the final outcome of my home renovation project and market it effectively?

“Virtual furniture has become a game-changer in online marketing. It allows you to create captivating, realistic visuals that can showcase an otherwise lackluster home, internally and externally. This enhances the property’s attractiveness to potential clients in many industries, including renovation companies, as they can better envision themselves in the revamped setting.

This cutting-edge technology enables you to experiment with diverse layouts and styles, offering a preview of the final outcome without the physical commitment. It becomes a valuable tool in making informed design decisions when changing layouts or schemes within the home. 

Integrating virtual furniture into your home renovation process can transform the way you visualize and market your project. Moreover, digital styling enhances marketing materials, too. High-quality, realistic renders can be incorporated into promotional materials, websites, and social media platforms, offering a visually appealing representation of the renovated spaces.

In simple terms, virtual furniture makes it easier for people to decide on designs, makes ads more attractive, and gives a professional image to the company.”

Wayne Robertson from Digital 1

How can I personalize each house-flipping project to cater to potential buyers’ preferences while ensuring that key aspects like safety and durability are addressed?

“When working on a house-flipping project, it’s important to renovate the house to give it a modern look. It’s best to use timeless materials, such as hardwood for flooring and solid surfacing materials for countertops, in neutral colors, such as browns, greys, whites, and beiges in order to cater to a wide range of potential buyers’ preferences. These aesthetic modifications will modernize the home and give it universal appeal through the use of durable, up-to-date materials in a subtle palette that will endure for years to come.

Outside of making aesthetic changes in a home, structural modifications must consider the health and safety of its future occupants. To  ensure these key aspects are addressed when renovating a kitchen or bathroom, it is important to get licensed professionals like plumbers, electricians, and mechanical and structural engineers involved to ensure modifications made to the property conform to the local building code.”

Sara from Ambience Design Group

How can I incorporate advanced cleaning and maintenance strategies in my house flipping projects to improve both the aesthetics and overall condition of the property?

“Incorporating advanced cleaning and maintenance strategies into house flipping projects is crucial for enhancing both aesthetics and the overall condition of the property. Firstly, focus on deep cleaning, which goes beyond the surface to remove hidden dirt and grime. This includes steam cleaning carpets, pressure washing exteriors and driveways, and thorough cleaning of air ducts to improve air quality.

Next, consider the long-term maintenance of the property. Use high-quality, durable paint for both interior and exterior surfaces, ensuring longevity and ease of cleaning. In kitchens and bathrooms, opt for mold-resistant caulks and sealants and install easy-to-clean backsplashes and countertops.

Smart home technology can also be a game-changer. Installing programmable thermostats, smart lighting, and energy-efficient appliances not only modernizes the property but also makes it more appealing to tech-savvy buyers. These features can lead to significant savings in energy costs, a selling point for potential buyers.

Additionally, don’t overlook the landscaping. A well-maintained outdoor space can significantly boost curb appeal. Use low-maintenance yet attractive plants, and consider installing an irrigation system for ease of care.

Finally, provide future homeowners with a maintenance guide. This can include recommended cleaning products, a schedule for regular maintenance tasks, and tips for keeping the property in top condition. This not only adds value but also demonstrates your commitment to quality and care in your house-flipping projects.”

Henry from My Clean Home Guide

What are the key steps and strategies I should prioritize to boost the curb appeal in my house flipping project significantly?  

“In the exhilarating world of house flipping, boosting curb appeal is the opening act that sets the stage for the real estate extravaganza to come. Imagine it as the flashy attire your house wears to impress potential buyers. Here’s a savvy playbook for enhancing that oh-so-important first impression:

  • Landscape Charisma: Transform your yard into a green masterpiece, but remember, you’re not auditioning for a gardening show. Keep it elegant yet approachable.
  • Front Door Drama: Paint the front door in a bold, inviting hue. It’s the equivalent of your house saying, “Hello, I’m fabulous!” A chic door knocker doesn’t hurt either.
  • Window Envy: Replace old windows with energy-efficient ones that let the light in without compromising security. No one wants drafts or uninvited guests crashing the party.
  • Illumination Elegance: Install tasteful outdoor lighting for a touch of nighttime charm. Your house should be ready to shine 24/7.
  • Pathway Perfection: Repair those cracked pathways; you want guests to approach with grace, not stumble like they’re in a slapstick comedy.
  • Local Flair: Keep your renovations in harmony with the neighborhood. Turning a classic colonial into a futuristic spaceship might raise a few eyebrows.
  • Spic and Span Symphony: A clean, clutter-free exterior is non-negotiable. Think of it as your house’s red carpet moment – it needs to look impeccable.

With these strategies, your curb appeal will steal the spotlight, making your flip a real estate sensation. Now, go dazzle the market, and may your profits be as high as your house’s appeal!”

Mark Sanchez from Gator Rated

How can I effectively plan my capital investment and expected returns in the context of house flipping?

“You need to plan where to get the capital investment to purchase the house and pay for repairs. A majority of house flips are purchased with cash, but you can borrow money as well. 

While building your cash for the purchase, make it work for you by keeping it in a high-yield savings account or money market. You can currently find rates at around 5%. 

If you are financing your house flipping project, getting a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) from your home is one of the cheapest ways to do so. HELOC rates are currently around 8%, compared to about 10-12% for a personal loan.

Before you proceed, make sure you calculate your expected return. For it to be worth your time, your return on investment (ROI) will ideally be at least 20%.

To compute your ROI, 

  • Add up all your anticipated costs, including the cost of buying the property, renovation costs, interest payments (if you’re getting a loan), property taxes, insurance, and the closing costs of buying and selling the property.
  • Estimate the after-repair value of the property.
  • Subtract all your costs from the after-repair value. This is your expected profit.
  • To compute your ROI, divide your anticipated profit by the total amount of money you expect to spend (your total costs).

As an example, if you spend a total of $200,000, and generate a $50,000 profit after you resell, then your ROI will be $50,000 ÷ $200,000 equals 25%. Pretty good!”

Jessica Hanneman from District Capital Management

Which specific real estate renovations have the most significant impact on increasing the value of a house when it comes to house flipping?

“The impact of real estate renovations on a house flipping’s value primarily depends on the house’s least desirable areas. A better approach to solely focusing on a single room, such as the kitchen, it’s often more profitable to allocate your budget to enhance multiple aspects of the house. This holistic approach involves refinishing and painting cabinets to save costs, upgrading lighting fixtures throughout, redoing flooring, repainting walls, working on the exterior, and updating various elements like switches, outlets, can lighting, doors, and hinges.

The goal is to make the whole house feel newer and refreshed. In this way, the rest of the house will not reduce the value of the new kitchen or bathroom you installed. If you can’t do it all, then it is better to refresh the kitchen and still modernize the rest of the house.

This comprehensive approach creates a cohesive and refreshed overall look, leaving the entire house feeling new or newer. This strategy prevents a newly renovated space from feeling out of place in an outdated home. For example, investing solely in a new kitchen may not result in a profitable return on investment if the rest of the house remains outdated. The key is to ensure a consistent and appealing aesthetic throughout the entire property, ultimately increasing its overall value in the eyes of potential buyers.”

Matthew Miner from Get Happy at Home

As a first-time house flipper, what are the key things I should know for a successful start in property flipping?

“Successful house flipping requires careful planning and implementation, and as a first-time house flipper, there are a few things to take into consideration. Conducting research should be a vital step in your flipping routine, as it is important to understand the market trends and property values within your local real estate market, especially when making important financial decisions. 

The first thing you need to consider is a renovation plan. What will add value to the property? Are there improvements that may not be worth it for this specific flip? What does your budget look like for this project? Remember, time is money! Manage your time appropriately and keep a close eye on your budget to minimize holding costs. 

Flipping houses also requires a team. Think about your network; find local contractors, real estate professionals, and other reliable professionals to help you grow your business. Networking is a very valuable tool, so make connections in your area. One of your top priorities should be making yourself aware of any local regulations and codes. Maintaining the legality of your business and adhering to the law is critical. 

Lastly, always have an effective exit strategy. The overall goal is to maximize profits while also minimizing any associated risk. Even after you get a few deals under your belt, note that it is important to always continue to learn and educate yourself. Real Estate is an ever-changing industry, so stay up-to-date regarding the trends in your area as you start your flipping journey.”

Ken Corsini from Red Barn Homes

What are some affordable DIY renovation ideas that I can consider for improving older homes?

“Here are my 4 suggestions for inexpensive DIY ways to flip older houses: 

  • Refinish Hardwood Floors: A significant number of old homes have stunning hardwood floors hiding under decades of neglect.  Don’t let tired wood floors tempt you to replace them.  Sanding and refinishing floors for a fraction of the cost of new flooring can quickly revive a hardwood floor’s natural beauty.       
  • Spruce Up Color: One of the most overlooked yet inexpensive ways to dramatically transform a home is as simple as picking up a paintbrush.  A fresh coat of paint gives an old house a new lease on life.   While a historically accurate color palette should be considered, ultimately, you should choose a color scheme that both compliments the home and fosters a quick sale. And don’t forget cabinets, doors, and trim!
  • Improve Energy-Efficiency: Making an older home more energy-efficient is doable without breaking the bank.  Sealing gaps in doors and windows, adding reflective foil behind old cast iron radiators, insulating attics and crawl spaces, and adding storm windows and doors can make a notable impact on utility bills.
  • Freshen Up Hardware: Sprucing up the hardware on bathroom and kitchen cabinets as well as doors is a DIY project that results in a big bang for your buck.  For a small investment, new hardware throughout a home creates a fresh and cohesive appearance.  Note that if you suspect the hardware is original to the house, don’t throw it away.  Instead, drop it off at an architectural salvage store so it can be restored and reused, or store it in a safe place for the next homeowner.”

Jennifer Osterhout from Everyday Old House

How can I integrate asset protection strategies to optimize profitability and minimize risks in my house flipping projects?

“To integrate asset protection strategies effectively into your house-flipping projects, prioritize risk management and profitability by implementing the following measures. 

First, establish a legal entity, such as a limited liability company (LLC), to shield your personal assets from potential project liabilities. This not only protects your wealth, but also provides flexibility in tax planning! Next, secure insurance coverage tailored to house-flipping endeavors, encompassing property, liability, and construction risk. You’ll want to regularly review and update your policies to ensure they align with the evolving nature of your projects, and engage with legal professionals well-versed in real estate law to navigate potential pitfalls and ensure compliance with local regulations.

You’re also going to want to incorporate due diligence into property acquisition, so you can thoroughly assess the property’s condition, title history, and potential environmental risks. Make sure to implement rigorous budgeting and financial forecasting to mitigate cost overruns and maximize profitability, and diversify your investments across multiple projects to spread risk and avoid overexposure to market fluctuations. You can also establish a contingency fund to protect against any unforeseen expenses. Foster strong relationships with reliable contractors and suppliers to enhance project efficiency and minimize delays, and regularly check market trends and adjust your strategies accordingly. 

If you implement these asset protection strategies by combining legal safeguards, risk management protocols, and strategic planning, you can optimize profitability and minimize risks in your house-flipping ventures.”

Don Pendleton from Protect Wealth

How can I responsibly dispose of old appliances when I’m in the process of flipping a house?

“Getting rid of old appliances can be a real pain when flipping houses. They’re heavy, awkward to move, and pose challenges for disposal. Since most curbside trash and recycling services won’t haul away your appliances with the rest of your waste, you are left to find alternative methods.

There are multiple ways for quick and safe appliance disposal, including taking it to a landfill, recycling it, donating it, trading it into the manufacturer or retailer, or hiring a professional disposal service provider. 

If you are disposing of the refrigerator, you’ll need to unplug it (allow at least 2 hours for it to cool before moving), clean it out, remove the doors, and hire professionals to remove the compressor and recover any coolant prior to disposal. It is harmful to the environment to allow the refrigerant to escape into the atmosphere. 

Ultimately, the best way to dispose of your old appliances will depend on their condition, your budget, and your timeline. Choose the option that aligns with your priorities and helps you responsibly manage waste while flipping your house.”

Craig Middledorf from TurboHaul 

How can I utilize property styling to demonstrate the superior quality and reliability of the renovations in my house flips?

“Property styling, also known as home staging, is a strategic approach to showcasing the potential of a property to prospective buyers. Thoughtful styling will both complement and elevate your renovation by highlighting key features and creating an emotional connection. 

You’ve most likely created focal points within your home during the course of your renovation or house flip, and the right furniture and decor placement will draw the eye to these features. For example, floor-to-ceiling windows will be accentuated by furniture placed on their periphery rather than in front of them, and art on adjoining walls should be large scale to compliment their proportions. 

By choosing high-quality furniture, art, and accessories, you’ll be demonstrating to buyers your commitment to superior workmanship and style. You can also use your styling to create interest. If your interior finishes are mainly neutral, art and soft furnishings are a great way to add texture and color without dominating your space.

Property styling also creates a connection. It not only demonstrates the functionality of your space, but it allows potential buyers to imagine themselves living there. A property stylist will draw on design elements to create a warm and inviting space that resonates with your buyer demographic.

Walking into a professionally styled home is a very different experience from entering a vast, empty space. Strategic styling demonstrates functionality, highlights key features, and evokes an emotional response, ultimately lifting the value of your home and reinforcing the caliber and care you’ve put into your renovation.”

Laura Ugarte from Spatial Property Styling

How can I elevate my house-flipping projects by seamlessly combining luxury and practicality in the design and renovation process?

“At Open Air Homes, we excel in marrying luxury with practicality in house-flipping projects. Our approach focuses on durable, high-quality materials like solid, wide-plank white oak flooring, which, despite a higher upfront cost, offers long-term value due to its resilience and ability to be refinished. This ethos extends to all aspects, as we cater to a luxury short-term rental market where discerning guests expect elegance, and our homeowners expect durability.

Our design strategy involves collaborating with homeowners to select robust materials like concrete floors, sturdy furniture, solid water fixtures, and marble countertops, considering the product’s longevity and ability to withstand frequent use. We prioritize items that are both aesthetically appealing and capable of enduring wear and tear, avoiding short-lived, fragile options.

For more comprehensive projects, we partner with Interior Particulier, leveraging their expert interior design skills. Their focus on integrating luxury with practicality aligns with our ethos, ensuring each project is handled with top-tier design acumen. This collaboration underscores our commitment to delivering spaces that are not only luxurious but also pragmatically suited for both families and short-term renters.”

Brad Greiner from Open Air Homes

House flipping can be a lucrative opportunity in the real estate market, but it requires a disciplined approach and expert knowledge to minimize risks and maximize profits. Success in house flipping relies mainly on balancing the cost and value of renovations, ensuring that improvements are aesthetically pleasing and efficiently address the property’s functional and safety needs. By following the advice of experts and staying informed about market trends, you can make more informed decisions and increase your chances of success in this promising investment strategy.

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About the Author

Jason Fox

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"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." ~ Gandhi [ Recognized as a top 3.5% agent in the United States. ] [ Jason Fox was born in Everett, WA currently lives in the Meadowdale neighborhood in Lynnwood and has lived in different parts of the Puget Sound area in between. He has been in the real estate industry for 20 years in many different capacities. From General Manager of a real estate CRM engagement business, Founder of 2 real estate marketing agencies, nationally recognized blogger with the Jason Fox Real Estate Marketing Blog, Marketing Manager for a top title and escrow service. ] [ Jason is now an award winning residential real estate sales agent, Co-Founder of The Madrona Group, Co-Owner of John L. Scott Ballard and John L. Scott Westwood. ] [ Active in the community, Jason is a proud part of the Autism Speaks effort to raise awareness for autism. This project is very dear to him as he has an 8 year old son, Hudson, diagnosed ASD. Jason is also involved with Neighbor's in Need, the Forgotten Children's Fund, WELD Seattle and the Union Gospel Mission assisting the homeless population in the greater Seattle area. ] [ "My passion is being able to give back to the community that has given so much to me." ] [ When he is not assisting his friends and family with the services of home ownership he loves being a dad to his 4 children, Carter, Rowen, Tyler and Hudson and being a husband to his amazing wife Sarah. Hiking, working around the house, cheering for the Seahawk's, Mariners and Huskies and golfing. ]

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