Use Home Equity To Get Ready For Sale | John L Scott Market Ready Plus

You can get a 0% interest home equity loan to get your house ready to sell

WATCH THE 0% INTEREST LOAN FOR FIXING UP YOUR LISTING VIDEOGet Your Home Market Ready and Increase Your ProfitsJason of … Read More

Buy a New House Without Going Contingent with the New John L. Scott Buyer Ready Plus + Program

John L Scott Buyer Ready Plus

JOHN L SCOTT BUYER READY PLUS VIDEOTrying To Buy A House Contingent On Your House Selling Is Hard In A … Read More

How Many Times Can You Sell The Same House? [SUCCESS STORY VIDEO]

How many times can you sell the same house youtube

THE MADRONA GROUP SUCCESS STORIES VIDEO SERIESHow Long Does It Take To Get A House On Market and SoldOctober 14, … Read More

We Hired A Professional Videographer To Highlight The Madrona Group

The Madrona Group Real Estate Team Spotlight Video

THANK YOU SQUAWKBOX MEDIA FOR MAKING US LOOK GOODIf you have been watching us at all you have noticed that … Read More

How To Protect Home Equity Even When You Buy Right Before A Market Crash [VIDEO]

How To Protect Home Equity Even When You Buy Right Before A Market Crash

THE MADRONA GROUP SUCCESS STORIES VIDEO SERIESHow Long Does It Take To Get A House On Market and SoldOctober 14, … Read More